Newsletter September 2024
Hello dear people,
It has been some time since we have heard/seen anything about our foundation, i.e. our projects in Kenya. There have been some circumstances that unfortunately meant that our annual visit to the projects could not take place. In itself very annoying, but fortunately there is the digital highway.
That does not mean that we have been sitting still. On the contrary. Through this newsletter you can read what has been/is being done. We do this on a project basis.
Support for children through the foundation
The foundation currently arranges and ensures that 20 children can go to school.
This means that school fees are paid and compulsory school clothing is purchased.
These 20 children no longer have parents and are raised by their grandmother. They make sure they go to school. These grandmothers are also helped by our foundation, for example with food.
Of the 20 children, 4 are in boarding school. They go to boarding school for three months and then go to their grandmothers during the holidays.
Our foundation pays the school fees for each child every quarter.
Ebenaza Mustard School
This is a school where the foundation has started providing support. About 40 children whose parents are alcohol or drug addicts and who cannot care for their children themselves go here. It is a school and also a daycare center for them. The foundation buys the food for these children. The advantage is that there are good contacts in Kenya who can take care of this for our foundation, also because we cannot go there ourselves at the moment.

School mediation
The foundation currently also arranges all aspects necessary for children who have been adopted by a Dutch couple to go to school. Both for secondary education and university. It is difficult for private individuals from the Netherlands to directly support “their” children financially. This is easier for our foundation because we are also registered in Kenya. The children can continue to learn/study in this way.
Next trip and project
Yes, it is planned for December 2024. And plans, in addition to the foregoing, are also already known.
We came into contact with a woman in Kenya who “lives” in a refugee camp there.
She has been given a piece of land by the government, but you can’t really speak of housing. She has now created a home in a kind of cardboard box with her 12 children. Actually, we don’t have to write any further about that when you see the photos.

We want to build a different and better shelter for this woman and her children when we are there. We coordinate this ourselves because we want to actually spend all incoming funds properly. We cordially invite you by name. to make a donation to this project.
Yours sincerely,
Jeannette Eikelenboom
Chairman of the foundation